I've been desperate to pot a dwarf apple tree we bought some months ago that was threatening to become root bound and finally I did it! I planted the tree in a big ceramic pot and, as suggested by mum, planted some violets around the base of the tree.
The tree at the moment looks like a stick in a pot because it has no leaves but the flowers are so lovely!!
In a bid to distract our Little Man from plucking off the flowers, I set him the task of watering the plants (all three of them!) and he LOVED it! I have a little watering can for him and he happily drowned the chives and parsley and watered the balcony tiles as well.
He's been teething lately with three molars coming up and this was a happy distraction for him.
He ended up naked, sopping wet and loving it, till he slipped on the tiles and hurt his hands and it all ended in tears!