Sunday, February 12, 2012

A first birthday adventure

Sailor turned one last week!

While he was happily oblivious to the fact that he turned one, we lapped it up by enjoying some cake and taking the children to a wildlife park near us which is one of those places which has kangaroos and emus wandering around posing for German tourists.

Highlights of the day involved watching Little Man trying to hug the neck of an emu, watching Little Man slip not once but twice in a concoction of mud and roo poo and walking stiffly away, watching Little Man try to catch a quoll and me pushing the pram for 1 km along a hilly bush track up and down log steps (while Ben was elsewhere enjoying a bush tucker tour!). Throughout a lot of this, Sailor was blissfully asleep.

The best part of the day was that the kids conked out early, and I now am a fully rejuvenated mother!

He said...

Toddlerese from Little Man who has a lot to say these days:

"I'll play hokkymokky*."

"Look! A hoogadooga**!"

** helicopter